
  • Try to get straight to the point at hand. Germans generally don't need much small talk to warm up the conversation. 
  • Provide sincere answers to serious questions, and avoid introducing humor to lighten a stern conversation.
  • Expect a German to be open and honest when they disagree with you. They are generally courteous but are unlikely to deliver their opinion in an indirect way. 
  • Try not to take personal offense if a German informs you of a mistake you made. 
  • Ask a German’s permission before taking a picture or video of them.
  • Approach conversations about the World Wars and the Cold War sensitively.


  • Avoid shouting across rooms or drawing attention to yourself in public. It may be viewed as a lack of self-control.
  • Avoid canceling at the last minute or being late.
  • Do not talk about the actions of the Germans in the World Wars as if you were a German. 
  • Never compare a German to Hitler or the Nazis of World War II.
  • Do not refer to the era of the Third Reich as “Nazi Germany”.
